Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to be an Amateur Radio Operator to be in the club?
No. However, there are no voting privileges with a Non-Amateur membership. This type of membership would be considered an associate member.
Do I have to be involved in Emergency Communications to be in the club?
No. Our main focus is Emergency Communications however we provide other services as well as general Amateur radio fellowship, contests & radio related functions.
Does CTARC provide classes if I wish to become an Amateur Radio Operator?
No. At this time the Club is not offering any study classes for exams.
Does CTARC provide Amateur Radio license exam testing?
Yes. VE's (Volunteer Examiners) provide testing on the 2nd Saturday of every month, and at the HamExpo/Belton shows in April and October. More information may be found under Licensing/Testing.
Are there any membership dues in order to join the club?
Yes. There is a $20.00 yearly membership fee with reduced exceptions listed in the CTARC By-Laws.